If you have reached the time that you know euthanasia is needed for your beloved pet, Sarasota Pet Crematory can assist the pet owner with recommendations* for a compassionate mobile veterinarian for in-home euthanasia, and Sarasota Pet Crematory offers transportation and cremation services. Many times this type of service, in-home euthanasia, is what people prefer because it places less stress upon the pet and the owner. This service is available with a minimal amount of pre-planning time, based upon the veterinarian’s schedule.
Recommended In-home Euthanasia Vets
We highly recommend Holistic Veterinary House Calls, Dr. Wendy Ying and Dr. Kyle Swanson, for in-home euthanasia. They are very knowledgeable and compassionate.
Phone: 941.320-8684
Email: info@DrWendyYing.com
Web: www.drwendyying.com
*Sarasota Pet Crematory can give recommendations for a veterinarian to perform in-home euthanasia services. Sarasota Pet Crematory itself does not perform this service.